
Tailor-made treatment for psychological disorders


Tailor-made treatment for psychological disorders

Interview with Dr. Piyush Mahajan & Dr. Malvika Dahuja


Dr. Piyush Mahajan and Dr. Malvika Dahuja and, a psychiatrist power couple also known as Mental health guides have been treating patients of the most common and prevalent psychological disorders for the last few years. With an MBBS from GMC Faridkot and M.D. in Psychiatry from GMC Amritsar, Dr. Piyush Mahajan is an Assistant Professor at Sri Guru Ramdas Medical College, Amritsar. Besides, he treats patients with Depression, stress, anxiety, alcoholism, drug abuse and mood disorder at his clinic in Amritsar. Dr. Malvika Dahuja, M.D. Psychiatry is a senior resident at Vidyasagar Institute of Mental Health in Amritsar where she treats patients with epilepsy, schizophrenia and various behavioral disorders. Besides, this psychiatrist power couple has taken up the challenge of educating the masses about mental health care and various disorders prevalent in today’s world through their YouTube channel Piyushika- A Mental Health Care Guide covering a wide range of videos in Hindi, English and Punjabi.

In this podcast the our guest talks about:
1. What is the difference between a psychiatrist, psychologist and a counselor? When is the right time to consult a psychiatrist?
2. Why is it important to treat mental disorders just like other medical illnesses?
3. Mental disorders can vary in people and need unique tailor-made treatment by your mental professionals.
4. Need for mental health care in today’s busy work life.

Credits EP1

Host: Charu Gupta and Samriti Sharma

Editing: Nikhil Tulsian and Virender Singh

Social: Albertha Joseph-Alexander

Music: Aditya Sutar (

#podcast #mentalhealth #lifecoach #awareness

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About Mental Health podcast season 2


To raise awareness about mental health, its importance in professional development and how life coaches/counsellors can address it; biopatrika presents season 2 of their SciKonnect Podcast series. As our team of hosts interact with the guests to discuss important aspects of mental health, we hope that it will benefit all of us in some manner. If you require guidance or therapy, please contact Biopatrika or one of our guests.

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