A Tryst With Entrepreneurship
with Dr. Viveka Kalidasan
The appeal of business attracts a lot of people. After all, you get to leave the corporate world behind and make all the decisions. However, while there are numerous benefits to owning a business, it comes with its fair share of challenges. To talk about these challenges, we have an Innovator and Technopreneur, Dr. Viveka Kalidasan. She has been recognized as one of the top 100 Women in technology in Singapore. She has invented and spearheaded the translation of WiSe- a Wireless Sensing platform technology consisting of a hand-held reader and an implantable RFID tag, to monitor postoperative complications in a real-time manner. This podcast gives an insight into her entrepreneurial journey as a woman and the challenges she faced. She also shares her efforts in developing a mentorship program for students and how scientists and entrepreneurs can become good mentors and inspire the future generation. Tune in, won’t you?
Biopatrika, your very own online science communication, brings science closer to you in so many ways. Today SciKonnect by Biopatrika welcomes all science enthusiasts to our first entrepreneurial podcast. I, Charu Gupta and my cohost Nikhil Kumar Tulsian have roped in the modern Kiran Mazumdar Shaw to talk about her startup journey.
Thank you, Charu, for kind words. It’s an honor for me to introduce my friend and colleague, Dr. Viveka Kalidasan. She has pursued her Ph.D. in material science and engineering from ECE, the t National University of Singapore. So, let’s hear from herself. Viveka, can you enlighten us on your journey?
Okay. First of all, thank you so much. Charu and Nikhil, I think that was too much. I didn’t know how to react to it. Thank you. I’m honored to be here talking with both of you, and just quickly, I’m Viveka. I’m originally from India, but I’ve been living in Singapore for the past decade. As Nikhil mentioned, I came here to do my Ph.D. in material science and engineering. And then, I shifted fields to work on wireless bioelectronics. And now I’m completely into translation and tech commercialization. So that’s my, a very quick professional overview. And I also have tried two and exited a few tech startups. And I’m also having a mentorship-related startup called Edify. So that’s all about me.
Yeah. I mean, that is so interesting. You’ve done so much in such a short amount of time. Viveka, when did you decide that you wanted to be an entrepreneur?
Oh, yeah, sure. That’s a question that I often get. Because all the friends, all the people that are very close to me, they always know that I want to be an entrepreneur, even when the jargon is not there. I remember when I was in the 8th grade, I was telling my father that one day I will do my own business, like in those days. Right. So, I guess that might be because, psychologically, my parents are doctors. We have our own nursing home back in India, so we took a lot of holidays. So, growing up, I thought if you are your own boss, you can be the key decision-maker. So, to be really very honest, that was the starting point. The reason is not exactly the same anymore. But still, I like being the decision-maker. I like being responsible for, you know, the upliftment of the life of others. So, it’s just that I like being that. And I also realized that I’ve been in the research and academic space for a long time. Being a deep tech founder, being a woman deep tech founder is something that’s really, very close to my heart. So that’s the reason why I’m in this space consistently. So, to say.
Yeah, that sounds really interesting to have a childhood goal. And you work so hard that in the next few years, you’ve been able to accomplish it.
Thank you. Thanks for saying that.
Truly inspiring, Viveka. So, you mentioned about your tech startup called WiSeCue.
Viveka: right
Yeah. Can you share more on its origin, how it is named from and what does it do?
Oh, sure. So WiSe so W and S Capital. So, it’s wireless sensing. It’s an acronym for Wireless sensing. So, as I mentioned, though, my Ph.D. is in material science and engineering, I’m a very interdisciplinary person. So, for my postdoctoral research, I was hired by the Wireless Bioelectronics Lab because they were looking for a person with a biomaterial background. But then I ended up building a wireless sensing platform technology that can detect postoperative complications in a real-time manner. For example, let’s say a patient is being discharged and he or she has abdominal surgery that was performed on the person. Right. So, if there is a complication that happens within the body, the patient will only come to know about it when the complications arise, like when the symptoms appear. But my technology can capture it in a real-time manner. And the “cue” there is because it just gives a clue that something is wrong within inside the body so that the patient can be rushed back to the hospital to get the corrective surgery done, or even a simple antibiotic thing. You don’t even have to go for corrective surgery. So, it’s WiSecue, because it’s a wireless sensing technology that can give you cues regarding what’s wrong. And so, this technology, it’s my four years of post-doctoral work. So, I have a patent on it. And I would say rather than calling, I am the innovator and developer of the technology, I should say WiSe is the one which developed me as a person. I really tell this to everyone for all the laurels that I’ve got, awards that I’ve got is because I was working for WiSe with WiSe. Yeah. It has been a very pleasurable journey for me with WiSe.
Yeah. That is so beautifully said. That’s so beautiful.
Editing: Samriti, Nikhil, Virender, Vikram
Social: Charu, Albertha Joseph-Alexander
Music by Aditya Sutar
Meet the Hosts
Charu Gupta
Expert in hematological diseases and malignancies, Dr. Charu Gupta is dedicated to improving the quality of patient life. This multi-talented cancer researcher enjoys creating content for her food blog “The Indian Food Explorer”, travel, horse riding and swimming.
Nikhil Tulsian
Dr. Nikhil Tulsian is a postdoctoral researcher whose work is central to understanding infectious diseases, antibody characterization, virus dynamics and regulation. Being a SciKonnect podcast host enables him to fulfill his interest of inculcating the spirit of science in people.
About the SciKonnect podcast
SciKonnect Podcast provides a glimpse of daily life in academia and industry. Our hosts from different countries take you on a riveting, emotional & insightful journey that bares it all on how we do science and how we succeed. These are the stories you ‘want to learn’ rather than ‘had to learn’.
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