
Fellowship in Genetic Diagnostics

Fellowship in Genetic Diagnostics by DEPARTMENT OF BIOTECHNOLOGY
With an aim to expand National Inherited Disorders Administration Kendras (NIDAN Kendras) to provide comprehensive clinical care including diagnosis, management, multidisciplinary care, counseling, prenatal testing at Government Hospitals/ Medical Colleges, Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Government of India has launched a 6 month ‘Fellowship in Genetic Diagnostics for Faculty/Clinicians only from Government Medical Colleges and Hospitals. Four (4) trainees in a year (in two batches) will be taken by each centre.
In the current era of genomics, genetics has become an integral component of medicine. This platform would offer a great opportunity to Govt. Hospitals and Medical Colleges by training their permanent faculty, physicians and scientists who are keen to develop Genetic Facilities to cater to the needs of patients. The program will provide training in cytogenetic and molecular genetic techniques along with the understanding about their applications in patient care. Under this program, well-established centres with facilities for diagnosis and management of genetic disorders have been selected to provide training. The list of centres where the Fellowship is available is given at the end. Interested and eligible candidates should send their applications to the centre of their interest in the format provided below Applicant should not apply to more than two centres at a time) The fellowship will provide an opportunity to get training in the exciting field of genetics as applied for patient care. Further, the faculty members trained under this program will be eligible to apply for DBT grant for establishment of National Inherited Disorders Administration Kendras (NIDAN Kendras) at their respective institutes/colleges/hospitals after successful completion of their training.
Eligibility criteria:(i)Post-graduate degree (MD/MS/DNB) in Pediatrics, Medicine or Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Pathology, Microbiology, Biochemistry, Laboratory Hematology, Laboratory Medicine, Anatomy, Physiology, Dermatology, Hematology, Radiotherapy, Endocrinology, Ophthalmology, Oncology, or any other clinical/paraclinical specialty/Superspecialty, AND (1) Holding regular position in Govemment medical college/hospital.
Mode of selection: Screening and selection will be based on scrutiny of application form and interview Evaluation criteria will include commitment to learn and the possibilities for implementation of the learned skills at the workplace.
Award Support: The trainees/clinicians from outstation institutes will be paid a displacement allowance of Rs 30,000/- per month. (The trainee will be eligible for the displacement allowance only if the trainee is not from the city where the training is plained.)
Fellowship Schedule: 1″ Batch from April 2025 to September 2025 (Fellowship of 1″ Batch will start from 01 April 2025)
Last date for submission of applications: 31 January 2025
How to Apply:
Application form (in the format given below) along with self-attested photocopies of degree certificates, MCI registration certificate and experience certificates should be sent to the Training Coordinator of particular institution.
The application should be forwarded by the Head (Director/Principal) of the institute.
Soft copy of the application is to be sent by email to the Training Coordinator of the concerned centre(s) and it should be followed by duly forwarded hard copy of the application along with copies of necessary certificates(If there is delay in submitting the application through proper channel, candidate can submit advance copy within last date of application to consider candidature; and application through proper channel can be submitted so as to reach to the concerned training centre coordinator by 10 February 2025)
While sending soft copy of the application to the concerned centre, copy of the email may please also be marked for information to Dr. Richi V. Mahajan, Scientist ‘D’, Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India (email ID: rv

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